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​Team up

“ wow ~ 我们有团队了 ”
“ wow ~那我们就叫
WOW 吧 ”
WOOHOO ,问就是排版不好看 hhh

"wow~ we have a team now"
"wow ~ then we'll call it WOW"
The core concept of the team is simple and happy, enough wow is the style of our team, from the beginning of the team name must let people send out wow exclamation. Don't ask why it finally became Woohoo, ask is not a good typography!



The team planned to initially define the research direction of the topic for the course content in order to facilitate the subsequent search for papers and the identification of specific proposals. The team conducted a 15-minute time-limited topic-free brainstorming session and further developed and organized as shown in the figure. 


Website construction

团队基于 WIX 工具搭建工作网页,介绍团队成员,并定期上传团队工作过程及成果展示。网页以暗灰色作为主题色,遵循极简主义风格,搭配钴蓝色作为元素点缀,营造现代感与科技感氛围。

The team built a working webpage based on the wix tool to introduce the team members and regularly upload the team's work process and results. The theme color of the website is dark gray, following the minimalist style, with cobalt blue as an accent element to create a modern and technological atmosphere.

WIX 是一个对于不懂编程的设计师非常友好的网页编辑工具。它可以让用户从零开始,或者从500多个设计模板中选择一个创建网站。通过拖拽的方式,用户可以设计出任何需要的网站。

Wix is a very friendly web page editing tool for designers who do not understand programming. It allows users to start from scratch or choose one of more than 500 design templates to create a website. By dragging and dropping, users can design any website they need.

​在 WIX 官网进行注册,创建一个新的项目,并根据页面提示选择需要的模板和元素,便可以开始创作了。

Register on the Wix official website, create a new project, and select the required templates and elements according to the page prompts, then you can start creation.

除此之外,可以将Adobe Photoshop、Adobe Premiere、Keyshot、Rhino、Adobe Illustration 等工具相结合,以达到更好的视觉效果。

In addition, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, keyshot, rhino, Adobe illustration   And other tools to achieve better visual effect.

例如,首页的网页视频元素为自主渲染制作的动画。使用 Rhino 7.0 Keyshot 10.0 软件进行动画素材创作,使用 Adobe Premiere 软件调整动画时间轴和高斯模糊效果。

Web video elements are animated for autonomous rendering production. Use Rhino and Keyshot software for animation material creation, use Adobe premiere software to adjust the animation timeline and Gaussian blur effect.

好不容易读个研,WOOHOO 小队决定“改头换面”(物理意义,指把彩色的头改成黑白线框 doge )
Rhino 7.0 雕刻出了独一无二的轮廓,Adobe Illustrator 又让这五个狂拽酷炫的灵魂成功地汇聚,最后的 Adobe Photoshop 给予了每一个人完美无瑕的特写镜头,向世人宣布 WOOHOO 五人天团的成功出道。

It was so hard to go to graduate school that the woohoo team decided to "change their heads" (in the physical sense of changing a colored head into a black and white wireframe doge).
The best photos often require only the most unexpected software - each head was sculpted with Rhino 7.0 to create a unique silhouette, Adobe Illustrator made the five cool souls come together successfully, and finally Adobe Photoshop gave each person a flawless close-up. Adobe Photoshop gave each of them a flawless close-up, announcing to the world the successful debut of the Woohoo Five.

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