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Design Notes


Long distance running is a healthy activity that the public is willing to try and actively participate in. Amateur long-distance runners generally lack professional sports experience and perception of their own sports ability and state, so it is difficult to maintain the running rhythm, hinder the progress of long-distance running and affect the efficiency of long-distance running.


Through interviews and consulting research materials, we found that timely or delayed information feedback can give runners effective incentives, help runners stimulate a sense of achievement and improve the effect of long-distance running.


Design a wearable sports device. Users can design the expected long-distance running time by themselves. The device will gradually display the medal pattern according to the running progress. The device displays the progress of the whole long-distance run with the completion of the pattern, so as to give the runner timely progress feedback, and give the runner a medal after the run.


UI interactive interface



R-tattoo is an app that helps cultivate interest in long-distance running. Users can set their own sports goals, and display personalized electronic tattoo progress bar through interconnection with hardware devices. Users who insist on completing long-distance running can obtain and collect personalized medals. The medal will be customized according to the keywords that users are interested in, and users can reproduce the obtained medal at any time to revisit the moment of achievement.

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Use Flow


The use process of the electronic tattoo in the user's movement is displayed.

使用流程P1 - 选择关键词,匹配纹身

Use Process P1 - Movement Start Countdown

R-Tattoo 内置了电子纹身库,并将所有的纹身图案按照不同类别进行区分。跑步前用户需要选择关键词,系统会根据关键词随机获取对应风格的电子纹身,用户在完成运动目标后即可获得,并可以将其添加到已获得的纹身列表中。

R-tatto has a built-in electronic tattoo library. Users need to select keywords. The system will randomly obtain electronic tattoos of the corresponding style according to the keywords. Users can obtain them after completing the motion goal and add them to the list of obtained tattoos.


使用流程P2 - 开始运动

Using process P2 - start movement

用户在选择了关键词后,需要设置一个运动目标,并点击 “start” 开始运动,此时R-Tattoo Sleeve 会出现倒计时的图案,让用户准备进入运动状态。

R-tatto has a built-in electronic tattoo library. Users need to select keywords. The system will randomly obtain electronic tattoos of the corresponding style according to the keywords. Users can obtain them after completing the motion goal and add them to the list of obtained tattoos.



After the countdown, enter the running stage. With the user's movement, the electronic tattoo gradually appears and acts as a progress bar to show the user the current movement progress in a way that does not disturb the user's movement.

  • 随着用户运动,运动电子纹身逐渐生成

  • With the movement of users, electronic tattoos are gradually generated.

  • 当前电子纹身生成进度:6/8

  • Current electronic tattoo generation progress: 3 / 8.


使用流程P3 - 运动完成/失败

Use process P3 - motion complete / fail

在运动过程中,我们使用 MPU-6050 来检测用户的运动状态,如果用户的移动阈值小于3000,系统会判定用户运动失败,同时电子纹身也会停止加载。

During the movement, we use the gyroscope mpu-6050 module to detect the user's movement state. If the user's movement threshold is less than 3000 the system will determine that the user's Movement fails, and the electronic tattoo will stop loading.

  • 运动未完成,获得纹身失败

  • Failed to get tattoo due to incomplete movement

  • 当前电子纹身生成进度:4/8

  • Current electronic tattoo generation progress: 4 / 8.


​用户达成运动目标后,会在手部获得完整的电子纹身图案,同时在App端会根据单次运动量获取一个 /银/铜 的对应的电子勋章。

After reaching the movement goal, the user will obtain a complete electronic tattoo pattern on the hand, and at the app end, a corresponding electronic Medal of gold / silver / copper will be obtained according to the amount of a single movement.


​根据运动量获得的 //铜 勋章会储存在勋章库中,供用户随时调用。其中 金勋章 只有在运动时长超过60min才能获得,银勋章 只有在运动时长超过30min才能获得,铜勋章 只需用户达成运动目标即可获得。

The gold / silver / copper electronic medals obtained according to the movement will be stored in the personal medal library for users to call at any time. Among them, the gold medal can be obtained only when the movement duration exceeds 40min, the silver medal can be obtained only when the movement duration exceeds 30min, and the copper medal can be obtained only when the user reaches the movement goal.


使用流程P4 - 运动结束后

Use process P4 - after exercise

运动完成后,用户可以在勋章库中查看已获得的勋章,并通过点击勋章的方式,可以在R-Tatto Sleeve上再现已获得的电子纹身。

After the movement is completed, the user can view the obtained medals in the medal library and reproduce the obtained electronic tattoos on r-tatto sleeve by clicking the medals.


Product display video


下面是R-Tattoo 的最终展示视频。

Here is the final presentation video of r-tatto.

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